Common failures in baking and how to overcome them
The surface of the cake is puffy and cracked The cake surface is swollen and cracked Reason: – The oven temperature is too high, making the surface of the cake quickly cooked. Meanwhile, the inside of the cake is still unripe and continues to expand, so it will crack the top of the cake. – The cake mold should not be placed in the center groove of the oven. How to fix: – Note that in cake recipes, there is always the first step, that is: heating at x 0 C. This is the first step before the others, because the dough must be put in the oven when the oven has reached the required baking temperature. – It is best to have a temperature gauge placed in the middle of the oven, look at the clock to know if the oven has reached the temperature, because common household ovens often have a problem of heat. actual temperature is higher or lower than the reference temperature. – Always place the cake tray in the correct position in the middle of the o...